We're identifying innovative solutions that partner algae research with private industry for commercial success.
As algae biotechnology has grown and matured, we recognize that California is an ideal location to build both the research as well as the production aspects of algae biotechnology. The range and diversity of algae biotechnology research and industry throughout California provides a unique opportunity to make considerable advances in the field, and with Cal-CAB, we are creating and maintaining cooperation, and facilitating joint research efforts and commercial partnerships.
Stephen Mayfield
Director, California Center for Algae Biotechnology

Algae Shown to Improve Gastrointestinal Health
UC San Diego scientists have completed the first study in humans demonstrating that a common algae improves gastrointestinal issues related to irritable bowel syndrome. The green, single-celled organism called Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was found to help with diarrhea, gas and bloating.